Christian Rakos, president of the World Bioenergy Association, receives the Fomenta la Bioenergía 2020 award

Rakos Fomenta Award 2020
A biomass guru

AVEBIOM wanted to thank in a special way Dr. Christian Rakos, current president of the World Bioenergy Association, his commitment to the dissemination and development of the solid biomass sector for energy uses in Spain during the last 16 years, giving him the 2020 Fomenta la Bioenergía award.

In a video message, Javier Díaz, president of AVEBIOM, has made the virtual award ceremony highlighting the wonderful relationship that since 2004 has existed between the Association and Rakos, "a biomass guru, who has helped a lot in the development of biomass in Spain".

Christian Rakos has emphasized the development of the sector that occurred in Spain in the last 20 years and recalled that Bioenergy will play a very important role in meeting the challenge of replacing all fossil fuels by 2050.

Christian Rakos is one of the precursors of the ENplus® seal that certifies the quality of pellets and that has managed to position it as a renewable, efficient and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels for heating.

See video award ceremony