Consumers who wish to purchase a biomass stove to heat their home must choose between two fundamental options: wood stoves and pellet stoves. They are efficient heating systems that have numerous advantages
Heating systems that work with biomass are gaining more and more ground in the market. This is due to its multiple advantages such as its high calorific value, its economical price and its ecological fuel that does not harm the environment.
Characteristics of the wood stove
The wood stove is a heating device that uses wood as fuel. The wood stove has changed a lot since its creation and currently offers modern and innovative models that have a high calorific value. Wood stoves are an economical and ecological option, since they pollute much less than other conventional heating devices.
En Ecoforest, have three different models of wood stoves that stand out for their functionality, easy maintenance and high safety. In addition, they work with an ecological fuel and with a minimum environmental impact. The Ecoforest, Eco 70/80/90, Ecoglass 70/80/90 and Arles wood stove models, meet high quality standards and with designs that adapt to the needs of their customers.
Features of the pellet stove
The pellet stove is a heating device that uses pellets as fuel. Pellets are an ecological biomass fuel, economical and convenient to store, since they do not take up much space. Pellet stoves are one of the best heating systems that exist today, which is why they have become so popular in recent years.
At Ecoforest, they have a wide range of pellet stoves of different sizes and powers. Air pellet stoves are those designed to heat the room in which they are installed. Within this type of stoves, at Ecoforest they have several models ranging from 12 kW to 14 kW.
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You can see the different models of stoves and catalog of ECOFOREST en EXPOBIOMASA 2023