The 2020 year enters into force the ECODESING criteria for the manufacture of heating and air conditioning equipment marketed in Europe, a regulation that affects performance, emissions and consumption. The EOSS brand has developed the OPTIMA stove, the first stove complying with the ECODESING criteria and guaranteeing an annual saving of at least 10% of pellet.
The approval with the IMQ laboratory supports the following results:
- Annual savings of 200 € to 300 €. Certifies a performance greater than 95,4% at reduced power and 91,8% at nominal power.
- Very low temperature of smoke. At nominal power, only 129ºC, and at minimum 64ºC.
- Housing temperature of 180ºC to an 120 m3/ h on the stove rack.
- Lower emissions Certified a reduction of 10% in dust emission and of 25% nitrogen oxides compared to a conventional stove.
- Less electricity consumption. A maximum of 75W at nominal power, and 35W at reduced power. The technology used improves the combustion process through a refractory steel brazier with an incinerator effect that achieves higher combustion temperatures and a large surface exchange system whose fumes exit at 130 ° C, allowing maximum heat to be absorbed for housing. Thus the air to housing reaches 180ºC.
The OPTIMA stove is a product extremely efficient within reach of any final consumer. It serves perfectly to heat homes of consumers looking for low consumption of pellets, low power consumption, very quiet equipment and reduced cleaning.
An optimal device for noise-sensitive users, which at nominal power generates 49dB at 1 distance meter and at reduced power generates only 29 db. In addition, the 24V direct current pellet feeder reduction motor eliminates constant turning noises and not pulses like conventional 220V.
Users will have a 1 autonomy week in brazier cleaning by its incinerator combustion. The reduced ash production, due to greater use, generates greater reliability due to the lower maintenance required.
EOSS has presented this candidacy for the Innovation Prize Expobiomasa 2019. More information about the Innovation Award this article