Modular fireplace with FITSYSTEM
It is a system created exclusively by @CONVESA thanks to which the assembly of chimneys has never been so quick and easy!
This fireplace, which is manufactured in the KW range for 316L internal steel and in KX for 304 internal steel, stands out in the market for 3 characteristics:
- Extra assembly - easy, fit system, which reduces the labor hours of assembling a fireplace.
- Great aesthetics, where the clamps are embedded in the tube. There are no protrusions between part and part
- Technical improvement in insulation, reaching the G50 technical designation, which makes it unique in the national market and transmits the necessary safety in an installation.
To a professional used to installing, all fireplaces look the same until they try the Fitsystem and discover how much easier their job can be.
Convesa showed this and a wide range of its products in Expobiomasa 2021
You can see an example of FitSystem in: