Boga technique has participated innovating in the bagging of pellets in 30 plants since 12 years ago

Pellet Boga Tecnica

Boga Técnica is a company focused mainly on advising, distributing and selling solutions for the automation of bagging lines. Its activity began 12 years ago, with the beginning of the wood pellet sector in Spain. At the time, it was something quite unknown but at the same time there was great hope that it would work well based on the success that other European countries had already had.

With extensive experience in the implementation of complete lines of bagging of wood pellets as well as in the installation of automatic lines of pressing and packaging of other light products, Boga Técnica has taken part in close to 30 pellet factories.

The technical service in continuous training prepares the assembly, start-up, maintenance and repair of any bagging installation. The company offers new developments to our clients such as the double-handle bag, hermetic pallets through the stretchable cover, marking of the bags for traceability, etc. in order to adapt to the demands of consumers.