How to obtain quality, easy-to-use solid biofuels at the lowest economic and energy costs

ENERBIOLOG is an innovative initiative promoted by a group of Galician companies

ENERBIOLOG is an innovative initiative driven by a group of Galician companies to obtain solid biofuels of quality and easy use at minimum economic and energy cost through innovative logistic formats and the application of monitoring and control techniques in real time.

The Technological Institute of Galicia, Greenalia, Forestry Biomass and Indutec Engineers are the entities involved.

We are working through intelligent manufacturing, to optimize processes along the value chain of forest biomass production for energy purposes to obtain quality solid biofuels. The improvements in the processes of densification and reduction of the humidity of the biomass, as well as of the techniques of control and maintenance in real time introduced by the developed system, allow to produce a solid biofuel of quality at minimum cost.

This has been achieved through the use of innovative densification and packaging systems in the production of biofuels, the automation of humidity control in the chip drying process and the development of an intelligent system for energy management.

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