La 14th edition of Expopiomasa It will be held on May 9, 10 and 11, 2023 at Feria de Valladolid. La Asociación Esclothla de Biomasa, organizing entity of the contest, tiene ya reservado el 60% de los 24.000 m² de superficie exhibitionsitiva previstos cwheno faltan More than 6 meses para su celebración. La cita, has advanced its celebration to spring in order to adapt to the current contracting periods.
Currently, and given the increase in sales, manufacturers supply distributors in Spain, Portugal and Latin America on request, which requires better planning. Holding the fair in May will allow professionals to plan their sales and increase their profitability.
Una feria única para acceder a un sector imparable
Biomass provides 57% of all the renewable energy consumed in Europe, and is undoubtedly being the vector for an energy transition in the heating and air conditioning sector that requires practically half of all the energy that is consume. Given the lack of fossil fuels and their extremely high prices for consumers, whether they are industries or families, the use of biomass will be key in the coming years for Europeans and, therefore, for Spaniards.
Sales in Spain of stoves and boilers are continuously breaking records, pellet consumption, despite the increase in its price due to the increase in production costs, will break records, the use of wood chips for industrial installations is also at a maximum. In este sentido, en España seguimos la proyección europea, donde ya el 17% de la calefacción emplea biomhandle. Y respecto a la generación elécitrus, la feria contare con firmas que ya se ethey are posicionando in anticipation of doubling the number of plants de aquí a 2030.
El próximo mes de may, la Feria de opendolid acogewill la edición on oneero catorce de este evento, que sewill la feria más importante especialzada en exclusiva en el sector de la biomasa en toda Europa durante 2023. Las prevtheirones indican que contare con 12.000 profesionales procedentes de mace de 30 ptherees, espeInclmente Portugal and Latin America buscando oportunidades uicy de negocio y the últimas novedades de the 500 empresas y marcas lideres del Sector que estaran representadthem.
Hit la fecha, gthank you a la reserva de espacios de firmas procedentes de 10 ptherees, se ha bloqueado en la Feria de opendolid el 60% de los 24.000 m² de exposición previstos, una figure que doubles la edición anterior.