A unique fair
Expobiomasa is a unique fair where visitors and exhibitors get more contacts in three days than in a whole year. It is a professional fair, in which three of each 4 visitors were already engaged or involved in projects related to biomass, and the rest comes to find products and services to join.
The “Electronic Combustion Control-ECC” for wood stoves, presented by JOTUL GROUP, has been chosen by the jury as the winner in the TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION category. In the INNOVATIVE PRACTICE category, the public vote and the jury have awarded the “MHE+Bosque” initiative, presented by MONTE HOLIDAY ECOTOURISM.
Organized by Inseltrade and Avebiom as an informative action of what companies from Finland will present at Expobiomasa, on 9.10.11 MAY at the Valladolid Fair.
The double AVEBIOM Innovation Award also has the category of Technological Innovation. The prizes will be awarded at the Valladolid Fair, on May 9, 2023, at 13:00 p.m., after the official opening of Expobiomasa.
Of the 12.000 expected visitors, 44% seek to contact suppliers and companies and 55% find technological innovations and solutions. ·300 companies and brands from 30 countries will be present, 35% exhibit heating equipment, another 35% show technologies to produce biofuels and their industry and the remaining 30% show technologies and services for industrial production of bioenergy.
The call will remain open until March 31, 2023 and the prizes will be awarded at the EXPOBIOMASA fair, on May 9, 2023.
The Spanish Biomass Association, AVEBIOM, has decided to award the 'Fomenta la Bioenergía 2022' award to the Badajoz Provincial Council to recognize its support for 25 unique projects in smaller local entities that favor the transition to a low-carbon economy and whose source of energy is biomass. The award ceremony will take place on May 9, 2023 in Valladolid, after the opening of the Expobiomasa fair.
On November 29, the "Bioenergy Day 2022" was celebrated in Spain, four days earlier than last year.
Europe's forests are under increasing pressure from rising temperatures, causing more forest fires, pests and diseases that threaten their ability to store carbon dioxide and safeguard biodiversity.
The 14th edition of Expobiomasa will be held on May 9, 10 and 11, 2023 at Feria de Valladolid.
Historical maximums are reached in the installation of equipment and the total installed power.
In this third auction, which was held on October 25, 2022, up to 100 MW corresponded to biomass in projects without power restrictions and another 40 MW for facilities with installed power equal to or less than 20 MW. MITECO has finally awarded 146 MW of biomass at a weighted average price of €93,09/MWh, with a maximum of €108,19/MWh and a minimum of €72,38/MWh.
"Everything that burns in a boiler, stops burning in the forest." This is how forceful Francesc Cano is, deputy director of transfer at the Center for Forestry Science and Technology of Catalonia (CTFC). Cano refers to forest biomass that is extracted from forests to be used for energy purposes. A biomass to which more and more industries are switching due to the high price of gas.