AVEBIOM, the organizing entity of EXPOBIOMASA, will open tomorrow, Friday, February 7, the call for applications for the 2025 Innovation Award to companies and public or private entities that have developed innovative projects, products or services in the field of energy recovery from biomass or the bioeconomy.
Expobiomasa 2025 will be held in Valladolid on 6, 7 and 8 May, consolidating its position as the key meeting point for the bioenergy sector in the Iberian Peninsula. In its fifteenth edition, classic sectors such as domestic heating, industrial solutions and solid biofuels will be present, as well as thriving sectors such as biofuels and carbon capture and storage technologies.
The Spanish Bioethanol Association, BIO-E, has signed an agreement as an ally to participate in the EXPOBIOMASA 2025 fair. BIO-E is an organization that promotes the biorefining of agricultural raw materials and waste to produce proteins, biomaterials and bioethanol. Bioethanol is a product used in the healthcare sector, in industry and as a renewable fuel to reduce gasoline emissions.
The Spanish Association for Energy Recovery of Biomass (AVEBIOM) has decided to award the “Fomenta la Bioenergía 2024” prize to Francisco Repullo Almagro, former president of the Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG). This award recognizes those who, like him, have worked in an outstanding way to promote the bioenergy sector in our country.
Spain celebrates Bioenergy Day 30 on Saturday, November 2024. A symbolic date from which, and until the end of the year, bioenergy could cover all the country's energy needs, including electricity, heat and transport. 
During an intense week of activity, AVEBIOM has participated in several events of strategic relevance for the bioenergy sector in Europe, where it has defended the need to carry out lobbying work to prevent the unification of heat pumps and biomass stoves in the European eco-labeling regulations.
The Spanish Biomass Association, AVEBIOM, publishes a price comparison between the main energy sources available on the current market for domestic heating, with data from the first half of 2024 to help consumers make informed decisions.
ENGIE, which will participate in Expobiomasa 2025, has signed an agreement with the multinational Viscofan to install a biomass boiler at its plant in Cáseda, Navarra. The project is a world pioneer as it will use forest biomass and residual cellulose casing for meat products as fuel.
Until December 30, 2024, exhibitors who confirm their participation will receive a 10% discount on the rental price of the space. In addition, AVEBIOM members will have an additional 10% discount.
The works to expand the heat transport pipeline network in Ponferrada, which began in June 2024 and are scheduled to be completed in April 2025, will be able to meet the demand of more than 2.800 homes and 43 tertiary buildings and will mean the shutdown of more than 100 fossil fuel chimneys in the city.
• Spain is the third country in Europe with the largest forest area and the ninth in the use of its resources. • The Spanish Association of Stove, Kitchen and Fireplace Manufacturers (AEFECC) highlights the importance of good sustainable management of forests in order to prevent fires.
A team of researchers from Pontevedra is carrying out tests on the pyrolization of forest and agricultural remains to obtain biochar, a carbonaceous material that can be used as a soil amendment and improve its fertility and structure and contribute to carbon capture among other uses.