Norway will ban the use of gas in heating from 2020

Norwegian bans the expobiomass gas

Sources: The Independent and

Norway will be the first country in the world to stop using natural gas for heating buildings. In a firm step in the fight against climate change, the Scandinavian country will prohibit the heat from being generated using oil and paraffin from 2020.

Neither new buildings, nor old ones, nor houses, nor businesses nor public facilities will escape what is mandated by this unprecedented legislation. "Those who use fossil oil for heating should find other options for 2020," wrote Vidar Helgesenlaid, Minister of the Environment.

The truth is that sustainable alternatives are not lacking. Heat pumps, biomass boilers, geothermal heating or pellet stoves are presented as good substitutes.

With the end of natural gas in this area, Norway wants to save the planet around 340.000 annual tons of greenhouse gases from a total of the 53.9 million that the country emits. His ambition for a greener and more environmentally friendly nation is also reflected in his policy of ending gasoline and diesel cars for 2025.

Even Norway, a major world producer of oil and natural gas, has begun to become independent of oil.

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